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Egg Muffins– Veggie Packed & High Protein

Egg Muffins
Veggie Packed & High Protein


I am doing a 6 week of healthy habit program with my husband, one if my (5) brothers and his fiancé. (This challenge/program will be up soon for you to participate in for free of course) I was looking for a high protein breakfast while packed with veggies.  I found a few different versions of Egg Muffins, but I didn’t quite like a few things about them, so I took what I liked from  several different recipes and this is what I came up with.  If you don’t like the veggies that I used you are welcome to replace with what you and your family like.  These are really easy to put together and doesn’t take long until you have a yummy high protein breakfast loaded with veggies.  Great way to start your day or perfect post workout meal.

First, mix the egg whites, whole eggs, green onion, mini sweet bell peppers, salt and pepper and onion powder in a bowl.


Then divide in a well greased muffin pan.  Bake at 375 F for 18-20 minutes or until firm on top and the egg is set.

Then, if desired, sprinkle about 1 tsp of shredded cheese on top of each muffin and place back in the oven for 2 minutes or until the cheese is melted.

I used a fork to loosen up the side and help get the Egg Muffin out.


 Egg Muffin

Veggie Packed & High Protein

Makes 12 Muffins

– 3/4 cup egg whites

– 2 large whole eggs

– 3 green onion, sliced

– 4 mini sweet bell peppers

– salt and pepper to taste

1/8 tsp onion powder

cheese (optional) 1 tsp on top of each muffin

Preheat oven to 375 F.  Mix all ingredients in bowl, except cheese.  Divide in well greased muffin pan.  Bake for 18- 20 minutes or until firm on top and egg is set.  Top each muffin with 1 tsp of shredded cheese, optional.  Place back in oven for 2 minutes or until cheese melts.  Use a fork to loosen the side and help get the Egg Muffin out.  Pair with a side of fruit and piece of toast for a complete breakfast.

Serving Size- 2 muffins

Per Serving: calories – 107, protein – 13.7g , carbs- 2.3g, fat – 3.2g

Happy Healthy Eating


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